Pints Pub | Golden Triangle/La Alma | English, Brewpub | Restaurant

Pints Pub

Neighborhood: Golden Triangle/La Alma
Pints Pub claims to have the largest collection of single-malt whisky outside of Britain -- and it certainly has the largest collection in Denver. The spot is also a brewpub, and it crafts a variety of beers, including English-style cask-conditioned live brews and low-alcohol session ales. And it's from that activity that Scott Diamond, who opened the place in 1993, also drew his decorative inspiration. There's a British phone booth just outside the quirky two-level building, and British flags and artifacts line the walls inside. The only thing missing from the true Brit atmosphere is grimy darkness. But while the ambiance preserves the essence of a real British pub, the menu includes both traditional fare and several new world adaptations.