Sushi Ronin | Highland/Lower Highland | Japanese, Sushi | Restaurant

Sushi Ronin

Neighborhood: Highland/Lower Highland
Sushi chef Corey Baker garnered such a reputation for his omakase feasts, customers sought him out at Sushi Den and Sushi Sasa — Denver's sushi pioneers — when they wanted a customized slate of fish. Omakase, then, is what you should order at Baker's own restaurant, Sushi Ronin; the chef's-choice menu gives you a little taste of everything this restaurant does. And you should order it at the sushi bar, where Baker will tailor his picks specifically to your tastes. He'll pass you such exotic specimens as Spanish mackerel and monkfish liver (basically the foie gras of the sea) if he thinks you'll like them, and add flourishes to his nigiri based on what you tell him about your own palate. If omakase is not quite your speed, Ronin is still worth a stop: The restaurant offers cuts of fish not available at many other places and deals with them respectfully, making each bite a true pleasure.
Danielle Lirette