Can I Smoke Tobacco at Colorado Weed Lounges? | Westword

Can I Smoke Tobacco at Colorado Weed Lounges?

Since medical marijuana was legalized, state officials have blocked connections between tobacco and cannabis.
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Dear Stoner: Can I smoke tobacco at Denver's weed lounges? I like a spliff or hand-rolled cig after smoking weed, and don't see much of a difference if we're all burning something.

Dear Maxence: You might not see a difference in cannabis and tobacco — especially if you're from Europe, where spliffs are much more popular — but the State of Colorado and City of Denver sure do. Since medical marijuana was legalized, Colorado officials have blocked connections between tobacco and cannabis. I suppose it's hard to argue on behalf of smoking blunts or spliffs for the sake of medicine, but the recreational system is just as strict, barring the sale of any tobacco product at licensed dispensaries and hospitality lounges. (Hemp wraps burn pretty well, though, if you're particular to blunts.)
click to enlarge Man lights marijuana blunt
You can probably get away with smoking a blunt in the outdoor section of a cannabis lounge, but anything more is pushing it.
Brandon Johnson

You could probably get away with smoking a spliff in the outdoor area at a cannabis lounge, but a loosie full of tobacco would turn off other visitors. Just take your hand-rolled cig a few steps outside of the venue, smoke it and return — just like we've been doing at bars and after sex for centuries.

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