My Favorite Marijuana Dispensary Was Purchased. Should I Jump Ship? | Westword

My Favorite Dispensary Was Purchased. Should I Find a New One?

"The budtender asked me to give them time, but should I jump ship now?"
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Dear Stoner: My favorite dispensary was sold. The inventory and look of the place are mostly the same, but small stuff like their rewards system and weekly deals are gone. The budtender asked me to give them time, but should I jump ship now?

Dear William: A rewards system and weekly deals are not small potatoes. Think of how much money you've spent at the pot shop every other weekend, and how much more you're about to if they take away loyalty points and solventless Sundays. This is probably the beginning of many changes at the store, for better or worse.
click to enlarge Jars of marijuana on display at dispensary
Sometimes things get a little worse before they get better after a dispensary ownership change, but who says you have to be there for the transition?
Scott Lentz
I've seen plenty of dispensaries turn to shit once new owners come in, probably after they realize how hard it is to turn a profit in today's weed business. Worse inventory at higher prices and degrading customer service are usually next, though deleting my loyalty points would've been more than enough for me to find a new store. There's nothing wrong with giving the new owners another chance — sometimes they really do improve in the long run — but who says you can't look for alternatives in the meantime?

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