Should I Feel Bad for Smoking a Joint in the Morning? | Westword

Should I Feel Bad for Smoking a Joint in the Morning?

Instead of coffee or tea in the morning, he prefers hitting a joint. Same same, but different? You tell us.
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Dear Stoner: I smoke a joint in the morning instead of coffee or tea. Should I feel bad about that?

Dear Bradley:
I don't know. Ask a therapist, doctor or one of those bearded scientists on men's-rights podcasts. The last Bradley who talked about smoking joints in the morning was pretty talented, but things didn't end too great for him. And even though you're probably not as famous as the lead singer of Sublime, you should still take better care of yourself.
click to enlarge Woman with tattoos lights a marijuana joint
Jacqueline Collins
We all like to indulge every now and then, but if you're physically functioning and not in extreme pain, then it's hard to imagine a scenario where smoking a joint every morning is the right choice. I mean, even a toke or two from the pipe/bong is better on the ol' respiratories. To each their own as long as it doesn't endanger others, but maybe you should try coffee or tea as a change of pace — or smoke a little less, at least. Let us all work hard and play high with clean(ish) lungs.

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