How Liberal or Conservative Is the Marijuana Industry Nowadays? | Westword

How Liberal or Conservative Is the Marijuana Industry Nowadays?

"I always assumed it was pretty liberal, but my friend who's a grower says otherwise."
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Dear Stoner: Is the cannabis industry pretty liberal, or is it conservative? I always assumed it was pretty liberal, but my friend who's a grower says otherwise.

Dear Andrea: Ten years ago, the answer would've been easy — liberal. Although both sides of the aisle have always done more harm than good for the cannabis legalization movement, we can thank the Democratic Party for most of its progress at the legislative levels. Dems have rarely stood in the way of citizen-led legalization initiatives over the past two decades, and in states where the plant is still forbidden, this is still largely the case. (Looking at you, Ohio.)

In advanced cannabis states, like Colorado, more and more business owners and executives are Republicans, as is the case for most industries. Why? They don't need progressive help anymore, and are more concerned about fewer taxes and fewer regulations, two common Republican callings. Not only that, but Democrats in Colorado are increasingly focused on restricting certain cannabis products, which hasn't helped the situation.
click to enlarge Woman lights chillum to smoke weed
Marijuana business owners in legal states are now worried about lower taxes and less regulations, two common conservative causes.
Jacqueline Collins
The cannabis movement is still mostly liberal, but the scales are much closer to balancing out than you might think. Donald Trump has flip flopped on cannabis legalization since his first as president, even claiming marijuana caused an "IQ problem" in Colorado — but he recently came out in support of a Florida measure that would legalize recreational cannabis, as well. Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris also has a complicated past with the plant as a former prosecutor, but her public statements been largely supportive of legalization and criminal justice reform of cannabis laws.

No matter who gets elected, cannabis will still probably be federally illegal well into their term, because that's the way the herb crumbles.

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