Making CBD Tincture is No Different From its THC Counterpart | Westword

Ask a Stoner: Are CBD and THC Tinctures Made the Same?

It all depends on the buds you're using.
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Dear Stoner: When making a tincture from marijuana flower, do you get both THC and CBD, or are there two different processes for those? I’d like a CBD-dominant tincture, but still want a little THC.

Dear Jeremy: Congratulations for having enough patience to wait the four-plus weeks that tinctures take. Whether you’re using alcohol or forms of vegetable oil, making tinctures (like all cannabis-extraction processes) separates the trichomes, which contain the THC, CBD, CBN and dozens of other cannabinoids found in cannabis, from the plant matter.
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Hemp-derived CBD tincture on display at the NoCo Hemp Expo.
Jacqueline Collins
Because THC is the most abundant cannabinoid in commercial, medical and black-market cannabis, most concentrates contain THC and little else — but that doesn’t mean there aren’t small amounts of CBD, CBN or CBG in there, no matter how minuscule. Now that high-CBD strains are becoming more popular, that ratio can be reversed. Just find a strain with the CBD-to-THC ratio you prefer, and use the same method. You could also make a CBD tincture from CBD-rich industrial hemp, but there wouldn’t be much THC in there.

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