Pot Edibles That Won't Show Up in Urine Tests | Westword

Ask a Stoner: What Kind of Edibles Won't Show Up in Urine Tests?

Science isn't on your side for this one, unfortunately.
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Dear Stoner: Is there an edible out there that will not show up in a random urine test?
Ginny G.

Dear Ginny: Science isn't on your side for this one, unfortunately. THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis for which employers and probation officers test, is soluble with fat and can stick to your body's fat cells for more than a month if you're a heavy user — unlike alcohol, cocaine and opioids, which leave the system within days. The good news is that if you're only an occasional user or don't have any THC in your system at the time you eat an edible, your body could be clear in a matter of days, depending on your metabolism and the strength of the edible.

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There are hemp-derived CBD edibles that you can eat without having to worry much about cloudy piss, because they're made from cannabis plants that are (supposed to be) harvested with less than 0.3 percent THC. However, CBD isn't the compound in the cannabis plant that gets users stoned; it’s consumed for medical benefits and as a sleep aid, so that might not be what you're looking for. Also, there have been occasional reports of hemp-CBD oils and edibles triggering positive drug tests, though it happens very rarely.

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