Should I Smoke Bad Weed to Be Polite? | Westword

Should I Smoke Bad Weed to Be Polite?

There are plenty of ways to decline a joint without being a snob.
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Dear Stoner: Should I smoke bad weed just to be polite? My friends buy some real dog shit, and I don't want to smoke mine without sharing — but I can't afford to supply every joint just because they're smoking old, bad weed.
Not Trying to Be a Dick

Dear Not Trying: How many friends are you smoking with? Unless you're surrounded by ten people, offering a few hits to friends isn't that big a strain on your resources. Politely decline hits of their suspect weed, and wait until they're done to smoke yours. Chances are they'll be too stoned at that point to put any real dents in your stash, and you get to enjoy your Grade A.
click to enlarge Man lights marijuana blunt
Believe it or not, most people aren't mad when you turn down a hit. It's just more for them.
Jacqueline Collins
There are ways to set boundaries without being an asshole, and most friends can take some light ribbing. As long as you keep the snide comments to a minimum, share every once in a while and don't act pretentious in other areas, then you're fine. Don't overthink this, and enjoy being able to get high with your friends. Not everyone can do that.

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