What Are the Best Eye Drops for Cannabis Users? | Westword

What Are the Best Eye Drops for Cannabis Users?

Cheap redness-relieving eye drops are fine every once in a while, but applying them frequently will bite you.
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Dear Stoner: What are the best eye drops for functioning stoners? I've heard Visine isn't good for you if you use it a lot, but is a $20 bottle of eye drops really worth it?
Lacey K.

Dear Lacey: Cheap redness-relieving eye drops are fine if used every once in a while, but applying them multiple times per day or for weeks straight will bite you. Dilated blood vessels in the eye, worsening vision, reduced tears and dryness, pupil widening and overall irritation are all common side effects, and most people stop responding to redness-relieving drops after prolonged use.
The best option is to stop using eye drops, period. Functioning or not, eye care is one of several things you need to consider as an aging cannabis user. If you can't tone down consumption habits or forgo eye drops, then it's time to spend more money. Avoid cheaper drops like Clear Eyes and Visine — they have naphazoline, which can restrict blood flow and increase blood pressure — and spend $12 to $20 on something free of preservatives and sketchy additives. Lumify and Systane are both good over-the-counter choices, and you can find them at Costco and Sam's Club on the cheap.

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