City Cast Announces the First Denver Castmembers: Bree Davies and Paul Karolyi | Westword

Hello, Denver, Bree Davies Is Here With City Cast

City Cast announces its first castmembers.
Bree Davies, the voice of a city.
Bree Davies, the voice of a city. Veronica Lee
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There's a new podcast coming to town, but it's solidly rooted in Denver. City Cast just announced that its podcast, set to debut in Denver in March, will be hosted by a very vocal local: Bree Davies.

Davies, who's written off and on for Westword for well over a decade, is a longtime rabble-rouser and friend to Denver’s DIY and creative communities, as well as a PBS12 contributor, urban planner, political organizer and eternal people's advocate. She became a podcaster two years ago, when she created Hello, Denver, Are You Still There?, which started out with live broadcasts at Mutiny Information Cafe that became community gathering places on their own before the pandemic did in that project.

As the host of Denver's City Cast — one is also about to debut in Chicago, and ultimately there could be a network of local podcasts around the country — Davies will be sharing her city in a fifteen-to-twenty-minute podcast every weekday. She'll be working with another true Denver asset, Paul Karolyi, winner of the Best Podcast award in the Best of Denver 2017 for his Changing Denver, and most recently a fixture at House of Pod. Karolyi was City Cast's first hire in town; there will be two more.

But Davies is the voice. "It came out of nowhere," she admits. "I'm really excited. I listen to daily podcasts, but I don't listen to a daily podcast about Denver. No one is doing a real daily podcast."

Karolyi had reached out to Davies about trying out for host — "he was pretty vague about what it was," she recalls — and she went through what she calls "a rigorous process" before she got the word earlier this week that she'd been chosen.

After that, she gave the word to her assorted employers, who were sad to lose Davies but happy about what she'll be bringing to the city. "It's pretty mind-blowing to have one job to begin with," she says. "It's surreal in that way. What a cool opportunity. I have a ton of ideas, and I'm excited to work with Paul."

And excited to continue talking about Denver, where she was born and raised...and continues to raise hell. "This is the city I know and love," she says, "but I'm willing to learn more about it."

And we should all soon be learning much more about Denver from Davies and City Cast.

"My brand is honesty," she concludes. "No matter the subject."
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