Election 2021: A Handy Guide to the Denver Ballot | Westword

Election 2021: Need a Hand Filling Out That Denver Ballot?

While there are only three statewide issues on Colorado's November ballot, Denver has thirteen municipal measures.
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The big issue on November 2 won’t be election fraud so much as election fried. Denver voters will be particularly busy, asked to register their opinion on thirteen city ballot measures alone, as well as school-board elections and three state measures.

While some of those items are primarily housekeeping, others involve controversial proposals — and tricky tactics — that have been hot topics around town for months. And one particular statewide measure will only become hotter as ballots arrive in the mail this week and the voting deadline approaches.

Here’s a look at seven of the particularly incendiary items you’ll see on Denver ballots:
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Proposition 119 could increase the state sales tax on recreational marijuana.
Jacqueline Collins
Proposition 119: Out-of-School Education Program and Marijuana Sales Tax Increase Initiative

Colorado’s recreational marijuana industry is paying close attention to Proposition 119, a statewide ballot initiative that would raise pot taxes to help pay for out-of-school education.

The proposed State Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Initiative (LEAP) program would create annual stipends that cover such out-of-school learning services as after-school programs, individual tutoring and specialized after-school classes. Families earning between $25,000 and $50,000 a year would be prioritized for the $1,500 yearly stipends, according to Vote Yes on 119, the organization behind LEAP. Institutions like the Boys & Girls Clubs and the YMCA would qualify for stipend payments, as would private tutors and learning providers.

A 5 percent recreational marijuana sales tax increase and the repurposing of a portion of investment revenue derived from leases, rents and royalties paid for state-owned lands would fund the program. According to the initiative’s proponents, diverted revenue from state-owned lands would provide an estimated $60 million annually, and the remaining funds would come from the marijuana sales tax increase.

Colorado currently imposes a 15 percent special tax on recreational marijuana sales, with local governments adding their own marijuana sales and industry taxes on top of that. If approved, the ballot initiative would raise the overall marijuana sales tax in Denver from 26.41 percent to 31.41 percent

While the marijuana industry definitely isn’t excited at the prospect of higher taxes, even the state’s educational community is split on the issue.

The Colorado Education Association withdrew support of Prop 119 in June, adopting a neutral stance after questioning how accessible LEAP stipends would be for rural and low-income students, and publicly noting that it preferred that new forms of funding go toward the state’s education gap. Providers of free out-of-school programming were also concerned about the proposed funding allocation, as only for-cost services would be eligible for LEAP, according to Vote Yes on 119.

Scholars Unlimited, a Denver-based learning service that focuses on literary, arts and STEM skills, offers free out-of-school learning programs to kids across four metro-area school districts. According to president Diana Romero Campbell, her organization would have to begin charging parents in order to receive any potential LEAP funding, which would be doled out by a state-approved board. “We are absolutely about creating these learning opportunities for out-of-school time. I think the existence of a continuum of education outside of school hours is very necessary,” Romero Campbell says. “But it’s not the ‘what.’ It’s more about the ‘how.’”

Pointing to the state’s educational budget deficit and the number of Colorado school districts that are currently on a four-day school week to cut costs, Romero Campbell says that she would like to see more money provided for public schools and after-school programs before private learning enterprises and summer services receive funding. She also wonders how low-income, rural and technology-deficient families would effectively learn about and access LEAP funding.

“When you talk about equity and access across the state, there is capacity that needs to be built, and a comprehensive program, as well,” she notes. “A five-day-per-week after-school program for X amount of hours a day is different than a free, one-hour dance class.”

Prop 119 isn’t without powerful support, though; a host of politicians back the initiative, including former governors Bill Owens and Bill Ritter and former mayors Federico Peña and Wellington Webb, as well as such influential organizations as Mile High Early Learning, Servicios de la Raza and Gary Community Ventures, a nonprofit that has spent nearly $1 million pushing the proposal.

Gary Community Ventures CEO, former gubernatorial candidate and onetime educator Mike Johnston argues that LEAP is just what low-income communities need in order to raise educational achievement. “There is no foundation in reality in the claim” that LEAP would bypass low-income and minority students, he says, arguing that the program would allow easier access to extra classes, activities and tutoring, including after-school programs.

According to Johnston, a lack of summer education is a major contributor to learning and achievement gaps when comparing students from low-income families to those from middle- and high-income families — and public school teachers could earn extra money by providing that out-of-school tutoring.

The pot industry, which has become accustomed to yearly tax increases at the state and local levels, is pushing hard against this one, using arguments that echo criticisms in the educational community.

“Rather than addressing structural deficiencies in our state budget, politicians are trying to offer a Band-Aid solution on the backs of cannabis consumerism,” says Peter Marcus, head of communications for Colorado-based marijuana dispensary chain Terrapin Care Station. “We should put our money toward building and improving traditional community K-12 schools.”

Public education in Colorado already receives marijuana tax revenue through two different routes. The main source is the state’s Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) fund, which annually receives either $40 million or 90 percent of the state’s 15 percent wholesale and excise tax revenue on recreational pot sales, whichever is greater. Established in 2008 as a mechanism for public schools to rebuild, repair or replace primary educational facilities, the BEST fund has received approximately $329.7 million from marijuana tax revenue since recreational sales began in 2014, according to the Colorado Department of Education. However, attaining a BEST grant is “competitive” and usually has to be matched by local district funding, according to the CDE.

The state also has a Marijuana Tax Cash Fund that helps support health-care, substance-abuse, law-enforcement and marijuana-impact research, as well as public school programs. This fund, distributed to all school districts, is built on 12.59 percent of the state’s nine-tenths share of the special sales tax on recreational pot. Between 2014 and 2020, the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund has contributed over $193 million to public school literacy grants, anti-bullying initiatives, drop-out prevention and the hiring of public-health professionals, according to the CDE. Revenue allocated to the state Public School Fund in 2021 has not yet been reported; from 2017 to 2020, the average marijuana tax revenue contribution to the Colorado Public School Fund was $25 million.

Educational funding was one of the strongest selling points employed by proponents of Amendment 64, the voter-approved measure that legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado in 2012. Although Colorado’s public schools have received over a half-billion dollars in funding from marijuana sales since 2014, that’s a small drop in the bucket when compared to the state’s overall funding for public education, which totaled around $6.3 billion for fiscal year 2020-2021 alone.

Marcus likens the proposed tax increase to “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” adding that any new cannabis tax revenue in Colorado should go “inside the classroom.”

As the election draws closer, he expects the cannabis industry to begin campaigning against LEAP, and he thinks the strength of the marijuana vote could be large enough to make a difference, despite Prop 119 coming up during an off-year election, when marijuana-focused voters aren’t as active.

“You’ll see the cannabis industry activating messaging, at the very least, inside of dispensaries and through our networks. You’ll see handouts and fliers and things like that. We’ve seen success in activating the cannabis voter before with Jared Polis’s [gubernatorial] campaign,” he says.

Prop 119 isn’t the only tax hike that Colorado’s marijuana industry will face at the ballot box in November. Voters in Denver, home to over 200 individual pot shops, will consider Initiative 300: Pandemic Research Fund, which would raise the city’s recreational marijuana sales by 1.5 percent to fund pandemic research and public-response plans during pandemics. According to proponents of that measure, around $7 million would be raised annually by the tax increase, all of it going toward the University of Colorado Denver CityCenter — a partnership of CU Denver, the City of Denver and local businesses — for research. But according to a CU Denver spokeswoman, CU “did not initiate this proposal, is not involved in the campaign or signature-gathering process and has not taken a position on this proposed ballot initiative.”

Still, more than $540,000 has been spent on the initiative’s campaign by Guarding Against Pandemics, a group registered in Delaware. — Thomas Mitchell
Initiative 303 would allow the city to permit safe-camping sites — but it already has, including this one in Park Hill.
Evan Semon
Denver Initiative 303: Let’s Do Better

Sponsored by Garrett Flicker, the chair of the Denver Republican Party, Initiative 303 would allow a Denver resident to sue the city if it doesn’t respond to a citizen complaint about a homeless encampment and “take enforcement action” within 72 hours. The initiative, which landed on the ballot with the help of sizable dark-money contributions from Defend Colorado, would also allow the city to sanction up to four safe-camping sites on public land across Denver.

Never mind that the city already has the power to do that. Denver has granted permits to four safe-camping sites so far, all on private property. Two are currently operational: one in the parking lot of a Park Hill church, and one on the Regis University campus.

Initiative 303 is “really focused around two main areas: tackling the homelessness epidemic in a humanitarian manner and holding the city accountable,” says Flicker.

For years, the City of Denver has struggled with how to manage homelessness, trying to both answer the concerns of business owners and residents who are asking that encampments be cleared and respond to homeless-rights advocates, who decry the sweeps. In 2012, Denver City Council passed the unauthorized camping ordinance, commonly known as the camping ban, which Mayor Michael Hancock signed into law. The ordinance prohibits individuals from using tents or sleeping bags to shelter themselves on public property or on private property without permission. While the city often cites the ban when justifying sweeps, city authorities also point to public right-of-way laws as justification for clearing out encampments that have been set up on such areas as the grass between sidewalks and streets.

Denver’s handling of homeless encampments has generated numerous legal challenges. In late 2019, Judge William J. Martinez of the U.S. District Court of Colorado approved a settlement between homeless plaintiffs and the City of Denver that requires the city to provide a week’s notice before conducting large-scale encampment sweeps. In January of this year, Judge Martinez laid down a preliminary injunction in relation to another lawsuit revolving around sweeps, again reaffirming the requirement that the city provide a week’s notice before conducting sweeps. And that conflicts with the time frame in Initiative 303.

“At this time, the city is unable to estimate the potential litigation costs the city may encounter if the 72-hour enforcement period is implemented,” reads a section on the financial impact of Initiative 303 in the Denver Elections Division ballot guide. In other words, the city could get hit with lawsuits both for enforcing the 72-hour rule and for not enforcing it.

Service providers have criticized the initiative as a measure that could further criminalize homelessness, with Cathy Alderman of the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless calling it more “harmful than helpful.”

But Flicker responds: “It’s not criminalizing homelessness by any stretch. In fact, I think it does the opposite. One of the things that I would like to mention: People have said that it’s unconstitutional and it’s important to note, those were sweeps on public areas, and that’s not what this initiative seeks to do. It seeks to make sure that private property is protected, but more important, it’s for the unhoused people to have a location to go that’s not an unsanctioned tent city.”

While Flicker says the initiative is focused on “private property,” the initiative’s wording is broader and actually tweaks the language of the unauthorized camping ordinance, which mentions both public and private property. That ordinance states, “It shall be unlawful for any person to camp upon any public property” except in a location in which the city has given permission for camping.

The added language in Initiative 303 would allow any person to make a “complaint with the City to enforce this section” of the ordinance, then notes that a person can eventually sue if the city doesn’t abide by the 72-hour rule

“This section” refers to the Denver Revised Municipal Code related to unauthorized camping on public and private property, so the provisions of the initiative would, in fact, apply to camping on public property.

“The enforcement mechanism clearly applies to camping on public land along with private land,” says Andy McNulty, a Killmer, Lane and Newman attorney who filed the October 2020 lawsuit on behalf of Denver Homeless Out Loud and multiple homeless plaintiffs that resulted in the January 2021 preliminary injunction. “It is a poorly drafted ordinance that will cost the city millions of dollars and do nothing to solve our homelessness crisis.” — Conor McCormick-Cavanagh
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The former Park Hill Golf Course is the focus of two measures on the Denver ballot.
Amy Harris
Initiative 301: Parks and Open Space Preservation
Initiative 302: Conservation Easement

The fight over the 155-acre defunct Park Hill Golf Course now owned by Westside Investment Partners, a development company, has inspired two ballot initiatives this year. The dual measures nearly mirror each other in terms of language — but they have polar opposite goals.

Placed on the ballot by representatives of Save Open Space Denver, a community advocacy organization that seeks to prevent development on the Park Hill Golf Course property, Initiative 301 would establish the requirement of a citywide vote in order to lift the conservation easement that currently applies to the property.

And that conservation easement — which dates back to 1997 and currently allows for general open-space uses, according to I-301 proponents — would need to be lifted in order for the property to be developed. Right now, it’s the jurisdiction of Denver City Council to lift the easement, as long as a district court judge grants it the right to do so. I-301 would cut council out of that process, and kick the decision to voters.

Save Open Space Denver is characterizing the fight over Park Hill Golf Course as “green versus concrete”; members of the group, including former mayor Wellington Webb and former state legislator Penfield Tate, want the land to be turned into a municipal park. This last swath of undeveloped green property in Denver ought to be kept as such, they say, since there’s no going back once it gets paved over.

Initiative 302 is a direct answer to I-301, which made the ballot first. Although much of its language is identical to the wording of the earlier proposal, it includes a clause that defines a “conservation easement” in Denver in such a way that the Park Hill Golf Course easement would be exempt from requiring voter approval in order to be lifted. So if both I-301 and I-302 pass, the status quo would remain and voter approval would not be required to get rid of the easement, paving the way for development — with the permission of Denver City Council.

Having gambled on purchasing the property from the Clayton Trust for $24 million in 2019, Westside Investment Partners poured over a quarter of a million dollars into a quickly established signature-gathering effort to land I-302 on the ballot. Westside, which co-owns the land with the Holleran Group, wants to build a mixed-use development on the property that could end up featuring market-rate housing, affordable housing, a grocery store and at least sixty acres of open space. Westside says that residents of Park Hill support its plan.

“Northeast Park Hill is a test case,” says LaMone Noles, who has lived in Park Hill since 1966. “If affluent people are able to manipulate the political process to stifle and shut out underserved members of their communities, other neighborhoods around the city can do the same thing.”

While SOS Denver views the conservation easement as allowing for use of the property as general open space, Westside and the Denver City Attorney’s Office say the land can only be used primarily as an eighteen-hole golf course. So even as these two measures head for the ballot box, the exact reading of the conservation easement remains unsettled.

What’s clear, though, is that SOS Denver and Westside don’t like each other very much.

“When you’re talking about a community like Northeast Park Hill, they’re the ‘Davids,’” says Kenneth Ho, Westside’s lead on the project. “The ‘Goliaths’ are Wellington Webb and professional politicians who think about this just as a campaign, and they don’t think about the people that they’re impacting.”

But SOS Denver depicts itself as the little guy in this fight. “We’re the ‘David.’ I might be 6’4”, but I’m ‘David’ compared to the amount of money that Westside is going to put into this,” Webb, who was Denver’s mayor at the time the original conservation easement was crafted, said at a September 22 rally in front of his home.

Yes, it gets confusing, so here’s a cheat sheet:

A ‘yes’ vote for I-301 and a ‘no’ vote for I-302 would likely block the possibility of any development on the golf course land in the near future, since city voters would need to approve lifting the conservation easement in the future.

A ‘yes’ vote for I-301 and a ‘yes’ vote for I-302 would maintain the status quo, allowing Denver City Council to lift the easement.

A ‘no’ vote for I-301 and a ‘no’ vote for I-302 would also maintain the status quo.

And a ‘no’ vote for I-301 and a ‘yes’ vote for I-302 would again maintain the status quo.

By the way, Denver City Council has endorsed a “no” vote on both. — Conor McCormick-Cavanagh
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Courtesy of Meredith Turk
Referred Question 2F: Safe and Sound Denver

In August 2020, a community advocacy group calling itself Safe and Sound Denver began sending out emails opposing a planned update to the group-living aspects of the Denver Zoning Code.

“The Group Living Zoning Code Amendment is a disaster for our neighborhoods, residents, and stated goals. We stand in opposition and urge City Council to JUST VOTE NO,” Safe and Sound Denver wrote in one.

The efforts of Safe and Sound Denver and other groups and individuals challenging the planned zoning-code update had an effect, as the Denver Department of Community Planning and Development watered down some aspects of the proposal it had been working on for over two years.

Despite the opposition, in February Denver City Council approved the final package, with robust support from many community groups. As a result, more areas of the city were opened up to halfway houses, homeless shelters and sober-living homes. The number of unrelated adults allowed to live together in the same household was also increased, from two to five.

Safe and Sound Denver refused to back down, however. Thanks to $90,000 in funding from the dark-money organization Defend Colorado, it landed a repeal measure on the November ballot.

“Denverites want safe and stable neighborhoods; we want children to be protected with buffer zones between schools and halfway houses, shelters, sanctioned camps; we want less density, trash, congestion and parking problems. The mayor and city council didn’t listen; now it’s our turn,” says Florence Sebern, a founder of Safe and Sound Denver.

Defend Colorado also helped fund the campaigns of Initiative 303, which relates to homelessness matters, and Initiative 304, which would reduce the local sales tax. Both of those measures are sponsored by Garrett Flicker, the chair of the Denver Republican Party; the two associated issue committees received $117,500 each from Defend Colorado.

Since the three measures landed on the ballot, Defend Colorado, which has advocated for oil and gas industry stakeholders in the past, has poured more money into 303 and 2F, including $215,000 for digital advertising. The group has also spent $31,819.56 on mail items for 2F and 303 and a separate $42,476.96 on mail items just for 2F. Sebern says that Safe and Sound Denver does not know who is behind Defend Colorado, which has declined to name its contributors. In all, Defend Colorado has contributed $614,096.52 to various issue committees and advertising in the run-up to the November election.

Fighting 2F is Keep Denver Housed, an issue committee. Councilwoman Robin Kniech, one of the key champions of the group-living ordinance, has been serving as a spokesperson for the committee. “This is the wrong time, in the middle of a pandemic, with record-high housing prices, to take away people’s abilities to share housing,” says Kniech.

Keep Denver Housed has garnered $96,403 in contributions, including donations from such high-profile local developers as Susan Powers, Albus Brooks and David Zucker. Keep Denver Housed has also gotten $20,000 from the Issues Mobilization Committee, which is the political-spending arm of the Colorado Association of Realtors, and $10,000 from Healthier Colorado.

While Keep Denver Housed has focused on the aspect of the group-living ordinance that lets more unrelated adults live together in affordable arrangements, Safe and Sound Denver has switched its focus from household size to other parts of the zoning-code change, particularly the one that allows halfway houses in more parts of Denver.

Before the zoning changes, new halfway houses could only be established in industrial zones and had to be 1,500 feet away from schools. The group-living ordinance unlocked other areas of the city, including mixed-use and commercial zones and certain multi-unit zone districts, and got rid of the 1,500-foot school buffer. But as Community Planning and Development notes on its website, “about half of Denver’s existing community corrections facilities are already within 1,500 feet (the ‘buffer’ zone) of one or more schools. The buffers have not been a functional way to regulate these facilities, and they do not prevent new schools or childcare providers from opening within a buffer zone.”

And halfway houses still will not be allowed in areas with single-unit, two-unit or certain row-home zoning, Keep Denver Housed notes.

“This law does not allow people coming from prison in residential neighborhoods,” says Kniech, countering claims made by opponents. “We will continue to correct the record on that every single time.”

If the repeal were to pass, Denver City Council could not re-enact the ordinance for at least one year, and then it would require approval by two-thirds of the members. — Conor McCormick Cavanagh
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The Denver Coliseum could be history if 2E passes.
Denver Arts & Venues
Referred Question 2E: National Western Campus Facilities System Bonds

This summer, the Hancock administration proposed a $450 million infrastructure bond package that would be sent to voters in four parts. After Denver City Council balked over a particularly big ask, the package was broken into five parts:

Referred Question 2A: Denver Facilities System Bonds, which calls for $104 million in bonds for a variety of upgrades and maintenance projects at libraries and cultural venues.

Referred Question 2B: Denver Housing and Sheltering System Bonds, which earmarks $38.6 million for the “acquisition, conversion and/or construction” of shelters for people experiencing homelessness.

Referred Question 2C: Denver Transportation and Mobility System Bonds, which calls for $63.3 million for road construction, bike and pedestrian projects, as well as other “transportation safety improvements.”

Referred Question 2D, Denver Parks and Recreation System Bonds, which sets aside $54 million for parks construction and maintenance projects.

Council pulled the biggest item on Hancock’s wish list out of library- and culture-loving 2A and turned it into 2E, which asks Denver voters to fund $190 million worth of bonds for projects at the National Western Center: $30 million for an already planned renovation of the circa 1909 arena into a public market and $160 million for the construction of a new arena near the intersection of interstates 70 and 25 that would eventually replace the Denver Coliseum, which was built in 1951.


Proponents of 2E say a new, 10,000-seat arena is key to the success of the National Western Center project. Not only would it be used for the annual National Western Stock Show, but the facility’s proposed uses could include Colorado High School Activities Association events, expos and community gatherings.

National Western Center Authority CEO Brad Buchanan, the former director of planning for Denver, agrees that the city has a need for an indoor venue that size.

But those who oppose the measure, including the No Arena Bond group, argue that the proposed venue won’t fill any gap in the market because it lacks the parking necessary. They also point to the nearby Mission Ballroom, which holds nearly 4,000, and Broomfield’s 1STBANK Center, which holds 6,500, as indoor venues that could fulfill any needs for a facility that size.

Sarah Lake, chair of the No Arena Bond committee, points out that the feasibility study on the profitability and potential uses of a 10,000-seat arena were completed in 2014, as the National Western Center plans were coming together. Since then, however, the pandemic has altered the landscape for the city’s entertainment venues, with many going for months without programming. Helping the existing venues to recover would be a better use of the money, she suggests. And the pandemic exacerbated other Denver issues, including the lack of affordable housing and funding shortages for the Central Library, that also could benefit from additional bond money.

“The other big reason why we oppose the arena is simply that it is not what the local community wants,” Lake says. “It offers very little benefit to the residents of Globeville and Elyria-Swansea.”

The GES Coalition, which comprises community members from the area where the arena would be built, has voiced strong opposition to the proposed bond. The neighborhood is a food desert, lacking grocery stores that sell fresh, affordable food; that’s a greater need, it says.

But Buchanan argues that the public-market portion of the National Western campus will serve the need for a grocery store in the neighborhood, providing a farmers’ market experience year-round. In fact, he says, it could become the next 16th Street Mall for tourists — a must-go for anyone visiting the city.

That means it won’t be the kind of grocery store they need, say members of the No Arena Bond group, pointing out that the proposal for the public market reads more like a food hall similar to LoDo’s Denver Milk Market, with upscale restaurants and merchandise vendors, than it does an affordable supermarket.

Another point of contention is jobs. According to the National Western Center, the two projects would create 4,000 jobs during construction and hundreds of operations jobs once they are complete, providing short- and long-term employment for community members.

But Lake says those construction jobs and many event-day jobs are not stable, long-term employment. And the more secure operations jobs are dependent on the arena garnering enough events to be profitable — which is in doubt, she says, given how outdated the feasibility study is.

The economic benefits of the National Western Center as a whole extend beyond jobs, Buchanan says, citing estimates that the campus would generate $230 million per year for the metro area. According to Paul Andrews, president and CEO of the National Western Stock Show, that event alone accounts for $120 million per year in economic impact. To Andrews, another benefit of the new arena would be business suites that would allow the Stock Show to host private events and give them more space for gatherings and celebrations.

“The other thing to remember here is this is a replacement venue,” Andrews says. “This is not a new arena. This is a replacement for the Denver Coliseum, which has been outdated, frankly, since about 1990.”

Despite Andrews’s claim that the new arena is designed to specifically replace the Denver Coliseum, there is no mention of the Coliseum in the language of 2E. According to Buchanan, the future of the Coliseum — the oldest city venue that has not been modernized — is a separate decision from the vote on 2E.

Members of the No Arena Bond group note that whether the Coliseum is revamped or replaced with a new arena, more than $160 million would be required for that project. As long as the Coliseum is still operational, they ask, why spend money on either option when so many other things can be done for the community?

“We don’t necessarily oppose an arena, and we don’t oppose the rodeo,” Lake concludes. “What we’re saying is you need to go back and re-examine how you were planning this development and make sure the local community is included in that, so that not only are their concerns heard, but the development plans return benefits to the community as well.”

On October 5, four weeks before the November 2 election, the city and the National Western Center Authority announced a plan to provide $400,000 to Globeville and Elyria-Swansea that will be used to hire professional advisors to ensure that the community secures benefits in the redevelopment. — Catie Cheshire
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The Independent Monitor released a report critical of police response to last year's protests.
Evan Semon
And the Rest

Here are the other measures, state and municipal, that will be on the Denver ballot:

Colorado Proposition 120: Reduce Property Tax Rates

Proposals that can go to state voters in off-year elections are limited to matters concerning taxes or state fiscal issues that fall under TABOR, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Proposition 120, which was pushed to the ballot by Colorado Rising Action, a conservative fiscal-policy nonprofit, would reduce property-tax rates for multi-family housing from 7.15 percent to 6.5 percent starting in 2022; it would also reduce property taxes on lodging properties.

Amendment 78: Custodial Money

This proposal would transfer the power to appropriate custodial funds — state revenue not generated through taxes — from the state treasurer to the Colorado Legislature. This was also proposed by Colorado Rising Action and has been challenged in court by the liberal Bell Policy Center, which could invalidate the vote.

Denver Referred Question 2G: Fill Future Vacancies for Independent Monitor
Although the Independent Monitor serves as a watchdog of the departments under the Denver Department of Safety — police, fire and sheriff — the position is appointed by the mayor. If approved, this measure, proposed by Denver City Council, would instead give appointment power to the city’s volunteer Citizen Oversight Board.

Denver Referred Question 2H: Election Day Change
Denver’s municipal election is in May, with a runoff in June — which can run afoul of certain state and federal timetables. This proposal, referred to council by Clerk and Recorder Paul Lopez, would move the municipal election up to April, starting in 2023.

Denver Initiated Ordinance 304: Limit Denver Sales and Use Tax
This is the second measure proposed by Garrett Flicker, chair of the Denver Republican Party, and backed by money from Defend Colorado. It would lower the sales and use tax from 4.81 percent to 4.5 percent, and cap the aggregate “maximum tax” at 4.5 percent.
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