Denver magician teaches teens how to puke playing cards | The Latest Word | Denver | Denver Westword | The Leading Independent News Source in Denver, Colorado

Denver magician teaches teens how to puke playing cards

When I was a kid the most awesome place in the mall was the magic/novelty shop. In addition to the rubber poop and hypnosis books, there was always some quirky middle-aged guy behind the counter demonstrating magic tricks to a crowd of boys age seven to thirteen. Well, like everything...
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When I was a kid the most awesome place in the mall was the magic/novelty shop. In addition to the rubber poop and hypnosis books, there was always some quirky middle-aged guy behind the counter demonstrating magic tricks to a crowd of boys age seven to thirteen.

Well, like everything else, the new spot to see magic tricks is online. And one Denver-based magician named Jay has amassed a significant YouTube following by posting tutorial videos and hosting card-trick contests for his subscribers, which now number over 20,000. The video above is his latest contest for "Card Spitting," a trick where the person appears to be puking cards. I can already hear the nine-year-old me shouting "Awesome!" View some of his other entertaining entries below.

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