Denver Nuggets Looking for Next Rocky Mascot According to KSE Listing | Westword

Job Listing Suggests How Much Nuggets Mascot Rocky Actually Makes

A mascot performer job description requiring basketball smarts just went live.
You could be the next person to don the suit of the hall of fame mascot.
You could be the next person to don the suit of the hall of fame mascot. Evan Semón Photography
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Since Kenn Solomon bowed out of performing as Denver Nuggets mascot Rocky in recent years, the road has been a little, well, rockier for the famous mountain cat.

Rocky is known for his active antics, famously losing consciousness while being lowered from the ceiling on a rope, and always nailed the mascot's signature moves. When Solomon took off the uniform, fans immediately noticed a difference in Rocky's behavior, suspecting there was a new person in the suit.

Solomon was the only person to perform as Rocky from 1990, when the mascot was born, until around 2021, though the date is not publicly confirmed since Kroenke Sports & Entertainment — which owns and operates the Nuggets — has always refused to comment on who is inside the suit. In 2006, Rocky was inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame.

After Solomon retired, he passed the role to his son, Drake. A super-secret source shared with Westword that during the last Nuggets season, a different person or two donned Rocky's suit when Drake had to take some time off. Another one of Soloman's sons reportedly worked as the mascot for the Detroit Pistons, so mascot work became the family business.

But now it seems KSE is looking outside the family for its next Rocky: On June 25, it posted a job description for a mascot performer.

Though the description doesn't specify that the job is for Rocky, a knowledge of basketball and the ability to demonstrate basketball skills are included under the qualifications, and the job is listed under the Denver Nuggets business unit. For Rocky, the key basketball skill is the behind-the-back, half-court shot at which Kenn excelled but his successors sometimes couldn't handle.

"As a mascot performer for KSE properties, you will be considered a world-class performer and ambassador for our sport property at all home games and public appearances," the description notes, adding that the performer will be able to pitch new ideas but also be responsible for maintaining the costume and props for the character.

The salary range for the position is $70,000 to $130,000 annually, which disproves the longstanding myth pushed by many (most recently the Denver Gazette) that Rocky collects $625,000 annually. Sure, Rocky will make a comfortable salary — but this mountain lion is most definitely not balling with the big dogs.

Among the other qualifications listed in the job description are physical performance skills like tumbling, dancing, stilt-walking and T-shirt tossing, along with good moral character and creativity. Plus, applicants must be between 5'5" and 5'9" — so no short kings or queens allowed...or any NBA players this mascot might be cheering on.

The description notes that in-person auditions will take place the first two weeks in August, with a projected September 1 start date. NBA preseason starts in early October, so if this mascot is indeed Rocky, the new performer will have a month to get acclimated — and learn to make that legendary shot.
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