Denver Police Cracking Down on Expired Plates, Readers Respond | Westword

Reader: It's a No-Brainer to Spot an Expired Tag and Write a Ticket

The Denver Police Department is cracking down on expired license plates...again
Scofflaws, bewere.
Scofflaws, bewere. Thomas Mitchell
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The Denver Police Department is cracking down on expired license plates along interstates 25 and 70 right now. "This weeklong operation is similar to the one the DPD conducted in July of this year, which resulted in at least 430 citations and a significant increase of vehicle owners registering their vehicles," the DPD announced Monday. "Drivers are strongly encouraged to register their vehicles to avoid the $95 fine."

Drivers outside of Denver's boundaries shouldn't rest easy, either: Denver police are stepping up enforcement in partnership with police departments in Aurora and Colorado Springs and alongside the Colorado State Patrol.

In their comments on the Westword Facebook post of the enforcement action, readers revved up over the situation. Says Christopher:  
We play a game where we try to find the most expired plate or a car without plates. We rarely make it two blocks without an entry.
Replies Jason: 
I care less about expired plates than I do about cars with NO PLATES AT ALL. I see so many cars with no license plate and I can't think of a reason that would be. other than criminal activity.
Offers Dale: 
This should be a full-time task! It's a no-brainer to spot an expired tag and write a ticket — even for cops just coming and going to work.
Adds Rachel:
 They should also check for proof of insurance while they are pulled over.
Suggests Jeff:
 They need to do it every day! Sick of seeing people with expired tags! Pay your taxes like the rest of us to fix the roads, etc….
Adds Mordechai:
 Maybe if DPD would enforce this, it could shore up some our city's financial shortfalls.
Responds Ali:
 I’m all for ticketing violators, but we need to be realistic and own the fact that our registration fees have ballooned out of control. Paying over a grand to register a car annually should be criminal.
Concludes Tessa:
 Imagine if we held politicians and their cronies accountable instead of worrying about what someone does (or doesn't do) with a car they own.
What do you think of the enforcement action? What's the most-expired plate you've spotted on the road? Post a comment or share your thoughts at [email protected].
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