Lauren Boebert: "Little Bitch" in the Big House | Westword

Boebert Beat: "Little Bitch" in the Big House

Even Marjorie Taylor Greene objected to her push to impeach President Joe Biden.
Representative Lauren Boebert, apparently shocked at the level of bullshit in her own articles.
Representative Lauren Boebert, apparently shocked at the level of bullshit in her own articles. YouTube
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It is a truth universally acknowledged: When even your batshit-crazy friends are calling you a bitch, it’s time to take a good, hard look in the mirror.

That’s the lesson Representative Lauren Boebert is again facing this week, in what’s turning out to be a seriously no good, very bad year. First, her teenage kid announces he’s having a kid, then that same kid fails to show up in court for a traffic incident...the day before Lauren springs divorce papers on her clueless husband, Jayson, bringing their supposedly super-happy marriage to a close. But that’s all personal stuff, and who among us hasn’t had to cut loose a spouse because they were increasingly a political liability? Glass houses, right?

And anyway, Boebert gives Coloradans so many more and better reasons to dislike her — or, more specifically, her embarrassing behavior in the U.S. House. While she’s one of several ridiculous examples of people who are supremely unqualified to wield political power who are obsessed with impeaching President Joe Biden, it’s not a proud bandwagon to jump on.

Just ask Rocky Mountain Values, the Colorado group that put out a call this past week for Boebert to “Stop the Impeachment Antics.” And it's hosting two events on the Western Slope today, June 26, where constituents can share stories abut their representative.

Boebert’s affinity for antics is almost unmatched in the U.S. House of Representatives, even in a sadly crowded field. She casts a wide net of head-shakingly bad moves as she swaggers through the storied halls of the People’s House without a real agenda outside of her own inscrutable ends. Power? Yes. Money? Oh, yes. Winning? Sure, but the brand of winning popularized by Charlie Sheen some years back, which ended with everyone sort of feeling icky for even knowing about it, let alone supporting it.

Earlier in the week, Boebert thought she’d put House leadership in check by way of an obscure procedural move that was meant to force the articles of impeachment to the floor, unlike the impeachment efforts of her far-right friends like sometime gal pal Marjorie Taylor Greene. Boebert’s use of a privileged motion was meant to require that “every Member of Congress must vote on holding Joe Biden accountable,” she said in a tweet.

Boebert’s Trumped-up claims (and yes, we use that capitalization purposefully) center on the Biden administration’s handling of immigration on the southern border. “President Biden’s negligence of duty has resulted in the surrender of operational control of the border to the complete and total control of foreign criminal cartels, putting the lives of American citizens in jeopardy,” Boebert stated on the House floor on June 20, pushing six pages of far-right bloviating that accuse Biden of abuse of power, dereliction of duty as president, yadda yadda yadda. It’s not an accident that many of her broad and false charges against Biden are very similar to those on which Trump is currently indicted and awaiting trial, with more pending. Misdirection is the only plank in the GOP’s platform these days.

And — surprise! — it didn’t work. Democrats threatened to table the resolution through a procedural vote, which would essentially have blocked Boebert’s vaunted move, but before that could happen, House Republicans — anticipating another embarrassing loss in front of an already fed-up voting public — instead sent Boebert’s articles back to committee for further review, essentially tabling the proposal. Nebraska Republican Don Bacon went so far as to call her move "frivolous." 

The only thing achieved by Boebert’s attempt to wrest control of the House process, it seems, was to alienate her once again from her erstwhile ally Greene. The two had words on the House floor that capped off with Greene accusing Boebert of copying her own articles, and then calling Boebert a “little bitch.”
click to enlarge Lauren Boebert talks to Marjorie Taylor Greene in Congress
Forgive the low resolution: There are levels of immaturity that modern cameras simply cannot properly record.
Greene later confirmed the altercation — and her name-calling — to Capitol reporters, while at the same time suggesting that Boebert leaked the news of their spat. “I have defended her when she’s been attacked. She and I have virtually the same voting record. We’re both members of the House Freedom Caucus. We should be natural allies. But for some reason, she has a great skill and talent for making most people not like her," Greene said.

How did Boebert respond to all this — the defeat of what she thought was a boss-level political move, and then being called names by a like-minded lunatic? Two ways.

First, she got right back up on her vicious and reprehensible horse and attacked Adam Frisch on Fox. She was ostensibly there to cackle over the anniversary of the Dobbs decision that struck down Roe v. Wade, but she decided to do so by talking smack about the father and sister of CD3 Democratic opponent Frisch, both of whom work in women’s health care. Frisch, who came within just over 500 votes of dethroning Boebert in the last election, is running again in the next, this time with more national support. “I’m willing to talk all day about Lauren Boebert’s fringe view that government should be dictating women’s medical decisions,” Frisch said in response. “But what I won’t accept is Lauren Boebert and Fox News attacking my father and my sister.” Frisch claims that Boebert is “scared” of losing her seat, and already indulging in some “ugly attacks.” She might be, but she’s also probably lashing out, wounded and angry about being pushed aside by what passes for the reasonable members of the Republican House.

The other way Boebert handled Greene’s accusation of cheating, and the name-calling? By refusing to talk about it on CNN, claiming she’s “not in middle school.” That would be a solid comeback — even if nearly all of her previous behavior presents evidence to the contrary.

Here's something you should have learned in middle school, Representative Boebert: If you lie down with disingenuous, delusional, disgusting dogs, you’re going to get fleas. Really stupid, embarrassing fleas.
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