Tilden School Declared Denver's 56th Landmark Historic District | Westword


Tilden School Becomes Denver's 56th Landmark District

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Shannon Stage
The Bosler House today, after 125 rocky years.

Better late than never: The Tilden School campus, including three buildings overlooking Highland Park and Federal Boulevard that date back more than a century, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on September 7, 1995. On December 16, 2019, Denver City Council declared the entire complex a Denver landmark district.

Dr. John Henry Tilden, an early practitioner of holistic medicine, founded the Tilden School in 1916 to advance his theories on health, diet and medical treatments that avoided drugs and surgery. The Tilden School was among the many sanatoriums and health facilities emerging in Denver during this era, as doctors from across the country recognized the benefits of Colorado’s climate and altitude. The Bosler House, a Victorian mansion that had already stood for close to thirty years, became the school headquarters, flanked by the primary facility next door at 3249 West Fairview Place and an apartment building for patients on the other side at 3279 Grove Street.

“These buildings tell a story about Denver and the people who came to our city seeking good health,” says Laura Aldrete, executive director of Community Planning and Development, in announcing the landmark approval. “By preserving them, we are not only protecting their architectural significance, but also keeping these interesting stories alive.”

The Tilden School for Teaching Health Historic District is the second landmark district approved by Denver City Council this year and Denver’s 56th overall. The Bosler House itself had been listed in 1984, but became so dilapidated under its last owner that it was in danger of disappearing; new owners took over in 2016 and restored the structure.