Denver Women Are Picky, Dating Survey Says, and Readers Respond | Westword

Reader: Ladies, I'm Sure He's Out There Somewhere...Just Not Here

Nearly one in three Colorado women said they would not date a man who doesn't make six figures or is not conventionally attractive.
Colorado women are very picky daters.
Colorado women are very picky daters. Katerina Holmes/Pexels
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Colorado women are looking for a man in finance. With a trust fund. Six-five. Blue eyes.

That meme is supported by a new survey from, which found that Colorado women have the fourth-highest standards in the country for their romantic partners in terms of income and looks. The survey asked 3,000 single women aged eighteen to 35 whether they would consider dating a man who earns less than $100,000 per year or is of below-average attractiveness. Nearly one in three Colorado respondents said they would not date a man who doesn't make six figures or who is not conventionally attractive — compared to just 17 percent of women nationwide.

That could be one reason Denver's dating scene has earned a reputation as a "dumpster fire." The description comes from Emily Balch, a cast member in the Denver-based season of Married at First Sight. But in their comments on the Westword Facebook post, readers offer plenty of other observations about the dating scene. Says Angie:
Ummm, I’d just like to find someone who grooms himself, is kind, not depressed and doesn’t wear Tevas (which would probably equate to the not being depressed part).
Adds Astrid: 
I would put "no tool belt, need not apply."
Notes Tina:
It's not picky, trust me. Colorado is full of EFF boys! They have no manners; they're all mama's boys who were raised without a father and have no idea how to actually hold a container for the female in her fullness. Colorado is full of alcoholics, beer snobs and potheads & hardcore druggies. Or ones who are not natives, i.e., have way too high of standards for their women and white collar. There's just no in between. We either got rednecks and juggalos, or Brad with his dad's trust fund and a double bachelor's degree.
Responds Mike:
Essentially, they are looking for someone to take care of them in every facet of life? What does that woman bring to the table? Whatever happened to an equal marriage? Let them keep searching for Chad; they will be disappointed later in life, when those men find a woman who’s looking for a true and equal partnership. I hope her cats will keep her company later in life.
Counters Jessica:
Well, men want Victoria's Secret model-type bodies, expect women to be able to work full time and also be full time at-home moms/maids (because we better be bringing in money, but also need to be 100 percent responsible for home and kids), and wear a smile and never complain about any of it.

Now all the guys are going to be like, "Not all guys..." lol. Well, same, not all ladies...
Adds Jessica: 
Don't forget they want you back to a size 4 by the time baby is three months old or they’re going to get a new wife.
Offers Nate:
I'll try to be polite when I say this: I firmly believe the future of gender relations, at least in America, is beyond dark. I think the last decade we as a collective society created a culture that drastically narrows the image of what a man should be. And if that image is not achieved, those men get left in the trash, or labeled as automatic "creeps" or "rapists." It's hard for many to accept that the male gender is a real minority, and gets dismissed and marginalized more and more.
Says Brian:
I'm pretty happy with a dog, nature and music. No drama.
Adds Bobby:
Can confirm. The women here are waaaay picky. Too much watching Kardashian crap thinking that's real life.
And Rigoberto concludes:
Keep them standards, ladies. Don’t settle. I’m sure he out there somewhere -- not here, but somewhere.
Are women in Denver too picky about dating? What do you think of the dating scene in general? Post a comment or share your thoughts at [email protected].

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