"Dateless in Denver" Series Responses From Readers | Westword

Reader: There Have to Be Better "Dateless in Denver" Submissions, Right?

Don't like what you're reading? Share your own dating story!
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At the start of the summer, in anticipation of all those hot times ahead, we shared a string of articles about dating in Denver, including a cover story that explored "Why Dating in Denver Is a Dumpster Fire." We also hosted an essay contest asking readers to share their best bad-date sagas, and received so many submissions that we introduced "Dateless in Denver," a series of reader essays on the realities of dating in Denver.

It kicked off with Jess's story of a date who sharted on her lawn, and most recently shared a woman's booty call diary. That prompted plenty of heated responses from readers on the Westword Facebook page. Says Jeff:
So this girl got laid every time… crazy…. Nothing about dates, or was that it she invited people over? I’m sorry I read this article; hopefully the next one is better.
Replies Timothy: 
Yeah, that was weak. The point is bad dates, this is just her hook-up diary.
Wonders Matthew:
How're you going to start this potentially awesome year-round feature with "guy that doesn't eat meat, proceeds to eat meat and poops in someone's yard" or "first Friday disaster lady" and follow up with "guy ordered burger before I got there"? There have to be better stories submitted, right?
I think an evening at the Squire (I am not an employee) eavesdropping on obvious first dates would be a great source of comedy.

I'll try the burger at Monkey Barrel next time I'm there, though.
Adds Graeme:
I’ve been reading these. I’m pretty sure each time was a girl expecting an experience straight from 10 Things I Hate About You. That’s a toxic movie based on a play that is very period-specific. Do they not understand they’re the shrew? And men in Menver often feel the same way.

Since gender and Colorado natives are your current hot buttons, maybe interview some men who are from here about their experiences of trying to introduce a transplant to the city. Denver is no more unique than any other growing metropolitan area. Locals think the new people suck. The transplants think the natives are snobby. The well-traveled natives think their city sucks but wouldn’t live anywhere else.
Offers Ryan:
You kidding me with this? These are the type of women who are complaining about not being able to find good men? Pulitzer-worthy work you are doing, per usual.
Concludes Susan: 
I think I'll just stay single, thanks.
Have you been reading our "Dateless in Denver" series? What do you think of the stories? Dating in general? Post a comment or share your thoughts at [email protected], where you can also submit your own "Dateless in Denver" essay. 
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